WHAT IS Family Home Evening?


Members of my church, The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have set aside one night a week to be devoted to spending time together as a family. Typically this is Monday night. This means that Monday nights are reserved for Family Time. As a family we spend time together having lessons, playing games, or doing activities. Each Family Home Evening usually starts and ends with a prayer. Many families sing a song, we are not the best singers but even we try to include a song some of the time. And the kids' favorite part of Family Night is a treat after the closing prayer.

This is a great time to interact as a family and actually talk to each other without TV, phones, gaming systems, music devices or any other technology toys interupting.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Washed Clean

President Boyd K. Packer tells a wonderful story about a dirty train ride and his wish to be clean in an article Titled Washed Clean that was in the Friend Magazine April 1999. He talks about baptism and repentance as our means of being spiritually clean. I use this article and his story to help stress the feelings of being dirty vs being clean. It's a great resource!

Go to LDS.org and look in the gospel library for the 1999 April Friend Magazine article titled "Washed Clean"

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