WHAT IS Family Home Evening?


Members of my church, The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have set aside one night a week to be devoted to spending time together as a family. Typically this is Monday night. This means that Monday nights are reserved for Family Time. As a family we spend time together having lessons, playing games, or doing activities. Each Family Home Evening usually starts and ends with a prayer. Many families sing a song, we are not the best singers but even we try to include a song some of the time. And the kids' favorite part of Family Night is a treat after the closing prayer.

This is a great time to interact as a family and actually talk to each other without TV, phones, gaming systems, music devices or any other technology toys interupting.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tree Roots and Spiritual Roots

Through the years I have worried about my children and how they would handle adversity or if they had the spiritual strength to stay strong when they were on their own.
I have tried to teach them that they need to develop their own spiritual roots.
One FHE I had these drawings and liken our spiritual roots to that of a tree's roots.
The drawings above show one tree with shallow roots and one with deep roots.
It is good weather in the drawings...everything is going well.
When the storm came the tree with shallow roots could not stand up to the winds. The tree with deep roots had more to anchor it and sustain it.

Then I liken the tree to my children. The kids have shallow roots by doing the things we do as a family: Family scripture study, FHE, Family prayer, and attending church.

When the kids are still at home they are under our influence.
But their spiritual roots may be shallow.

There is more that they need to do to be safe when the winds of adversity and temptation come. I don't remember if I had the kids list what would deepen their spiritual roots or if I listed the activities for them. It's best to have them come up with the ideas.
These are spiritual things they have to do for themselves.
See the November 2010 Ensign Magazine talk by Elder Neil L Anderson on page s 39-42.
He quoted President Thomas S Monson, "Unless the roots of your testimony are firmly planted, it will be difficult for you to withstand the ridicule of those who challenge your faith."
Elder Anderson was talking about not being ashamed.
He has many good ideas in his talk that can be tied into this Spiritual Roots FHE.
It's worth reading his talk if you plan on giving this FHE.
One more quote from his talk,
"We push our spiritual roots deep, feasting daily on the words of Christ in the scriptures. We trust in the words of living prophets, placed before us to show us the way. We pray and listen to the quiet voice of the Holy Ghost that leads us along and speaks peace to our soul."

1 comment:

  1. Very nice...very well said. Thanks for sharing this. I will share this presentation too to my family and friends...and members of our church.
